The Conch Podcast features interviews
with the most inspiring people in the world of seafood.
Join Julie Kuchepatov,
founder of Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE),
as she interviews people striving
to succeed in the sector, as well as those already making an impact,
and the challenges they face -
all while working to improve
the environmental and social responsibility
of the planet’s most incredible food source - seafood!
When does a rising tide NOT lift all boats?
How does U.S. militarization affect the people of Palau and their seafood?
And, in what ways do economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice issues intersect in the seafood sector?
We’ve got some mighty BIG questions on the latest episode of The Conch, and THE person to answer them.
On Season 5, Episode 7, Dr. Caroline Ferguson Irlanda shares her eye-opening insights and solutions to pressing challenges.
A postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and the host of Surf and Turf Podcast, Dr. Caroline and her podcast guests are FOUNTAINS of knowledge.
Audio production and sound design by Crystal Sanders-Alvarado for Seaworthy Experiences.
Episode Guide
:00 Intro
01:15 Why Dr. Caroline Ferguson Irlanda, postdoctoral researcher, started a podcast called Surf and Turf, a seafood justice podcast
02:18 Caroline shares her conversation with Amal Bouhabib of Southern Migrant Legal Services, who represented local Black workers in the Mississippi catfish sector in a legal case where white South African workers were paid more than the local workers
05:50 Season Two of Surf and Turf focused on the privatization of fisheries through consolidation of catch shares, private equity ownership of fisheries, and illegal privatization of waterfronts
10:04 Racial challenges and how they manifest in the U.S. seafood system
14:01 The question that motivates Caroline in her research: how are the harms and
benefits of the seafood trade distributed in fishing communities? She explains a case study of the sea cucumber fishery in Palau
19:38 Caroline supports opposition to the U.S. militarization of Palau through her privilege and nonprofit, Allies for Micronesia Project
23:55 Caroline and coauthors prepared Practical Ways to Implement Gender Sensitive Fisheries and Aquaculture Research in the Pacific to provide researchers training on how to account for gender in research design
27:57 How to lessen inequalities in the seafood sector? Recognize that this is a very gender-diverse sector and women are EVERYWHERE!
29:54 The driving questions behind Caroline’s decision to earn her PhD
33:02 Caroline’s advice for anyone considering a PhD
35:19 Caroline shouts out some of her incredible podcast guests: feini yin, Queen Quet, Nico Gomez Andujar, Kirby Page and Radhika Sharma
Check out the incredible Surf and Turf podcast to learn more about the complex and often overlooked issues of access, equity, and justice in the U.S. seafood system
Recommend this episode to one person who is curious about the extraordinary people working to create a more just seafood system that nourishes us all.
The Conch podcast is a program of Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE).
Audio production, engineering, editing, mixing, and sound design by Crystal Sanders-Alvarado for Seaworthy.
Theme music: “Dilation” by Satan's Pilgrims
Funding generously provided by